Join Rural People’s Voice to ensure a brighter economic future in North Central Washington

Oct 22, 2024

Support Rural People's Voice
Image: All capitalized font in white reads, “Support Rural People’s Voice” on a black background and a gold silhouette of Chelan, Douglas, and Okanogan counties on a map of Washington with surrounding counties in gray.

Rural People’s Voice (RPV) is dedicated to supporting the vision of rural communities in North Central Washington to create an economy that is by and for the residents of that part of the state. Working with families, farmers, young people, seniors, immigrants, and multi-generational Washingtonians across Chelan, Douglas, and Okanogan counties, RPV is a hub for launching the community’s “big ideas and big ambitions into action,” as described by Executive Director Elana Mainer. 

Due to longstanding underinvestment by government, philanthropy, and other private and public entities in rural areas like North Central Washington, the community members represented in RPV are witnessing the decline of their once resilient economy. Through local organizing led by the communities’ most impacted community members, they are determined to set it back on course for the future of rural communities and their children. 

This includes stopping attempts to undo two state ballot initiatives designed to benefit working people and communities of color. Initiatives 2109 and 2117 would repeal the Capital Gains Tax and the Climate Commitment Act—both of which have helped to create a more stable path forward for rural communities across the state.

For example, in 2023, the Capital Gains Tax brought in more than $900 million to fund schools and childcare, and the Climate Commitment Act has invested in critical projects that rural communities have organized to secure, which will protect land and water for generations to come. Yet, a small number of wealthy individuals are attempting to undo these wins for rural and working people, and pocket billions of Washingtonian’s tax dollars all while evading their fair share. 

In response, RPV is coming out loud and clear in its support of the residents of North Central Washington by mobilizing voters. Led by Latinx, Indigenous, and white working-class community members, the organization is hitting the pavement to talk directly to their neighbors about voting no on these initiatives through messaging that speaks to the initiatives’ specific impacts on communities in North Central Washington. This organizing is also helping to carry out a longer-term vision powered by the strategy and expertise of these rural Washingtonians, who are best positioned to determine what their communities need and deserve.

Rural People's Voice team members pose with a Vote No yard sign in Omak.
Image: Rural People’s Voice organizers and interns knocking on doors in Omak. They chatted with residents about the initiatives, shared their stories, and handed out yard signs. Photo courtesy of RPV.

While this kind of work can be challenging, especially as communities are too often put on the defense and fighting forces with outsized power and influence, Rural People’s Voice is not deterred. At Inatai Foundation, we are proud to support Rural People’s Voice and their organizing efforts through our grants, including the Campaigns, Legislation, Issues, and Policy (CLIP) Fund, which has awarded over $4 million this election cycle to organizations throughout Washington to help strengthen their civic and voter engagement efforts. Their knowledge, strategies, and expertise are building power, engaging voters, and moving communities to be more equitable every day.

As a 501(c)(4) philanthropy seeking to transform the balance of power in Washington and beyond, Inatai Foundation has the privilege and opportunity to support power-building in communities that are often overlooked or ignored by philanthropy. Communities and leaders are the single greatest experts in their own lives and work, and this is a belief that continues to ground our grantmaking. It has been an honor to be part of this new story that Rural People’s Voice—and North Central Washington communities—are writing.

To learn more about Rural People’s Voice and how you can support their work to build an equitable future for working people and families, please visit

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