Until Feb. 1, 2023, we were Group Health Foundation. This post was written under our former identity. To learn more about our new name, read our announcement here.
It has been a day like no other in our recent history. One that we hoped we would never see.
What we watched unfold in Washington, D.C. today is unchecked terrorism that was incited by an outgoing president and is threatening our democracy. This hurts everyone in our country, even the leaders complicit in this attack. This is happening because of the encouragement of some and the silence of others. This is happening because of misinformation and disinformation about recent elections as a strategy to hold on to power by those who have not earned it.
Group Health Foundation condemns any attempt to undermine the will of the people—the people who showed up and participated in a fair election. What we are seeing is a desperate move to steal the election from tens of millions of voters and the cross-racial coalitions who have delivered so many incredible victories over the last year, including unprecedented voter registration and turnout, and who have demonstrated an unwavering will for a government by the people.
The most recent wins in Georgia reaffirmed that if we want transformative change, we must continue to invest in and support people who know their communities, who are on the ground talking to their neighbors, and who are making sure everyone has a say. This is what we will continue to support in our work for equity and justice. Group Health Foundation will always stand with democracy and truth, with families and communities, and with the hundreds of organizations across our state who are fighting for a better future for us all.
We share your feelings of anger, frustration, loss, anxiety, and exhaustion. Our team is following what’s happening in D.C. and across Washington State, and are connecting with grant recipients and partners to see how we can be most helpful in this moment.
In solidarity,
All of us at Group Health Foundation