Funding | Grantmaking Overview | Sponsorships

Connecting, celebrating, and building power together

Funding Range: $2,500 – $5,000, in some exceptional cases we offer $10,000 or more.

Application due: At least 60 days before and up to one year before a planned event.

About Sponsorships

Inatai Foundation is excited to sponsor events and gatherings throughout Washington state. We seek to support events that 1) increase community power, 2) are led by nonprofits with leadership that looks like the communities they serve, and 3) advance the work of equity and racial justice in the state.

As a foundation that is proud to serve all of Washington, we are especially interested in sponsoring events in communities and places where philanthropic support is less common, including in smaller towns, tribal communities, and rural areas.

Keep reading to see if your organization might be eligible. We invite those both known and new to us to apply and we are here to answer questions and guide you through the process.

Community members celebrate amid protests during Pacific County Pride. Photo: Amiran White

How To Apply

  • Review the eligibility checklist and make sure your organization’s request fits the guidelines listed.
  • Fill out the online Event Sponsorship Application. You can expect to receive an update on your application status within about six weeks of submission.
  • If you have any questions or would like to submit our application in a different language or format, contact us at

You are also welcome to refer to our Living Language Guide as you complete your application.


Not sure if you’re eligible? You are if:

  • You are recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) organization, or fiscally sponsored by a tax-exempt organization. Sovereign Nations or Tribal government entities in Washington also qualify.
  • Based in Washington, providing services to Washington communities. Nations whose aboriginal territory includes land in Washington are also eligible to apply.
  • You are hosting or co-hosting a time-limited gathering in Washington or serving Washington communities. It has a direct purpose in which people come together to build and flex community power and advance racial justice and equity in Washington.
  • Your organization demonstrates a clear commitment to building community power for racial justice and equity through its mission, programs, and action.
  • Your organization, including your senior leadership and board, reflects and is rooted in the communities you serve with a clear commitment to racial justice and equity evident in your mission, leadership, programs, and actions.
  • Your event will take place at least 60 days and up to one year before a planned event from the date you apply.
  • You have not received a sponsorship award notification from us in the current calendar year. However, you can submit applications for events scheduled for the next calendar year up to one year in advance.
  • You have reviewed this entire web page and application materials.

If you answered yes to all the above, you are eligible to apply! If your organization or event does not align with the information we share on this page, we kindly request that you do not proceed with the application. If you have additional questions, contact us at or 866.389.5532.

Eligibility Checklist

Asia Pacific Cultural Center’s annual New Year celebration. Photo: Uly Curry

Events We Sponsor 

Events create connections: gatherings that bring people together to take direct action, organize toward a common purpose, and strengthen bonds and relationships—all toward building community power in Washington. Event purposes could include fundraising, strategic planning, policy and political advocacy, and more.

We sponsor in-person, virtual, and hybrid events that are hosted by Washington-based organizations. Please continue reading to better understand our criteria for sponsorship.


Inatai defines community power as the ability to achieve collective purpose and realize a shared vision.
When reviewing applications, we assess if there is a connection between the event and the organization’s path to building power. Whether that is electoral power, organizing power, community solidarity, narrative change, or something else, we assess the context of the work as part of making our decision.

Because different communities in Washington have different contexts and histories, we support different types of events in different places.


The event emphasizes – the leadership of Black, Indigenous, and other people of color in throughout the event’s goals, planning, management, and implementation.

We are especially interested in events that highlight the leadership of people who are Black, Indigenous, People of Color, LGBTQIA+, immigrants, people with disabilities, people living on low incomes, and people who experience ableism, gender inequity, and ageism.

We sponsor in-person, virtual, and hybrid events that are hosted by Washington-based organizations. Examples of eligible events include:

[Sponsorships] A person wearing food service gloves laughs on the floor of a community party

Celebrations and Similar Events

Such as culturally specific public festivals and engagement events, must be premised on a racial justice and equity mission, and contribute to strengthening and demonstrating community power reflecting a community’s cultural identity.

[Community Power] Dozens of people seated around tables during a community assembly

Staff and Leadership Retreats

With agendas focused on learning and action planning related to systems change or equity efforts.

[Sponsorships] A person wearing food service gloves laughs on the floor of a community party

Advocacy Events

Such as public demonstrations for economic and racial justice, lobby days, or gatherings that advocate for community-rooted equitable public policy.

[Sponsorships] A person wearing food service gloves laughs on the floor of a community party

Strategic Planning Sessions

That allow your organization to think big-picture and identify key strategies to move your work forward.

[Community Power] Dozens of people seated around tables during a community assembly


To support and strengthen your organization’s long-term agenda.


What you need to know


Who can apply for sponsorships?

We are excited to support organizations or projects fiscally sponsored by a nonprofit recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) in Washington. We are also excited to sponsor events hosted by sovereign nations and tribal government entities. Your organization must provide documentation of your tax-exempt status or be sponsored by a fiscal agent who has documented tax-exempt status.


What are the deciding factors for sponsorships?

When reviewing applications, we pay close attention to:

  • Race/Ethnicity - We evaluate how your event reflects the communities you serve and give preference to culturally specific, multiracial, and cross-racial organizations and events.
  • Disability/Ability - We prioritize disability-led organizations and disability justice. We also ask nonprofits to share how a sponsored event will be accessible to all people.
  • Organization size - We encourage small and mid-size nonprofits to apply and prioritize support for events where sponsorship might have a big impact.
  • Geography - We prioritize areas where philanthropic funding is less common, recognizing that the bulk of foundation money is concentrated in Western Washington. We also welcome applications from organizations serving communities along our state’s borders and from tribes for whom Washington is part of their traditional territory.
  • Leadership – If senior leadership, including board members, represent the communities they aspire to serve. If a nonprofit does not accurately disclose its racial, ethnic, and gender identities in its application, we will not consider the request.

What do we not sponsor?

In alignment with our work and community visions for a more equitable, racially just Washington, we typically do not sponsor the following event types:

  • Ongoing, programmatic work. We may sponsor a series of events, but we do not support work that is ongoing. For example, if you are an immigration nonprofit that offers citizenship classes as a core part of your work, we would not sponsor those courses. We do support these types of programmatic work in other funding areas. Please read our grantmaking overview page for more.
  • Festivals, such as those for food, film, art, dance, or music that do not have explicit connections to community power building for equity and racial justice.
  • Partisan political events. This includes dinners or fundraisers marketed as “bipartisan.”
  • Events by legacy institutions and their affiliates, such as museums, universities, hospitals, and their “friends of” groups.
  • Scholarships, which may include requests to sponsor attendees at events or traditional education scholarships.
  • Fundraisers supporting national associations, including state and local chapters.
  • School-based groups, such as booster clubs or parent-teacher associations. We will, however, consider community-based organizations hosting events for education equity.
  • Athletic events, such as runs, walks, races, bike rides and sports teams, matches, leagues, or associated booster/fan groups.
  • Research and data-gathering projects without community partnership, such as focus groups, town halls, or forums designed to solicit one-way feedback or collective action.
  • Scientific, medical, or addiction recovery events and conferences.
  • Car washes, bake sales, block parties, farmers markets, neighborhood walks, job fairs, health fairs, and school resource fairs.

Do you ever make exceptions on event types?

We make rare exceptions to the guidelines above. If you believe your request may be an exception, please contact us at or 866.389.5532 with an outline of the event and the reason an exception should be made. This must be done 90 days prior to the event. If an exception is approved, you will then submit a full application subject to the deadlines and evaluation outlined above.


A note on cultural celebrations and festivals

Inatai supports cultural celebrations with explicit connections to organizing, political engagement, power-building, and collective action toward equity and racial justice. The primary focus of cultural celebrations is to reflect the traditions, values, history, identity, and political aspirations of specific cultural, ethnic, or racial groups as part of the work to recognize and organize power among overlooked and underfunded communities. We recognize that in some places, a cultural group gathering for an event may be considered a political act, whereas the same gathering in another place would not be eligible for funding from Inatai. In contrast, we do not fund festivals that primarily focus on entertainment, such as food, film, art, dance, or music.


Can organizations already receiving funding from Inatai apply for an event sponsorship?

Yes! We encourage organizations we already know to apply.


How frequently can an organization apply for sponsorship funding?

Organizations may submit one sponsorship application at a time and should not submit multiple requests for the same calendar year simultaneously. Each nonprofit is eligible to receive one sponsorship per calendar year. After receiving a sponsorship award notification, nonprofits are welcome to apply again for an event in the following calendar year, provided they submit their applications up to one year in advance of the planned event.


Will Inatai Foundation attend the event?

Organizations may choose to invite our staff, our partners, and other members of our community to participate in sponsored events. You will indicate on the sponsorship application if and how you would like us to participate. While invitations are welcome, please note that attendance is not guaranteed due to availability.

Whether you do or do not want our participation has no effect on your sponsorship request being granted. We ask up front only so we know how we can be most supportive.

Accessibility Commitment

We are committed to making the application process available in languages other than English and to people with disabilities. We are also excited to work with organizations that are new to us.

To those ends, we provide:

  • Interpretation and translation services (including ASL and/or CART)
  • Large-print formats of instructions and applications
  • Alternative application methods, including over the phone, by video or voice recording, and on paper

    Please contact us at or 866.389.5532 if you need one of these or another service, and we will do our best to provide it. We know it takes time, trust, and effort to request these services, and thank you for sharing how we can make this process work for you.